A few tables and brief descriptions of what various Quake 2 compiler command line arguments do.


Argument Description
chop # If a face is greater than this size, then it will be subdivided
fulldetail Make anything with content a detail brush
glview Dumps the number of points in a plane
leaktest Test for leaks only
nocsg Does not try to reduce intersecting brushes into non-intersecting brushes
nodetail Doesn’t include any detail brushes in the bsp
nomerge Do not merge faces that share the same edge on the same plane
noopt Only go through 1st compiler pass in ProcessWorldModel
noprune Combine brushlists of child nodes
noshare Do not throw out identical edges
nosubdiv Subdivide faces that are larger than -chop size
notjunc Don’t break edges on tjunctions
nowater Remove water, slime, lava brushes
noweld Use vertices from dvertexes array
onlyents Only vis entities
threads # Used for computers that have multiple processors
v Verbose mode, lists everything that is going on
verboseentities Prints entity sub model information. -v must also be used


Argument Description
fast Vis the level quickly, good for testing
nosort Sort portals in increasing value of mightsee variable
threads # Used for computers with multiple cpus
v Verbose mode, lists everything that is going on


Argument Description
ambient # Set an ambient light level, use a value like 0.1 to remove dark corners
bounce # Amount of times light will bounce, default is 8
chop # Fast light testing that reduces lighting detail, default is 64
chopcurve # Chop value for Phong-shaded surfaces
choplight # Chop value for light-emitting surfaces
chopsky # Chop value for light-emitting sky surfaces
chopwarp # Chop value for light-emitting warping surfaces
direct # Scale direct light intensity, default is 0.4
dump Dump lighting information to “bounce0.txt”
entity # Scales direct light intensity on entities, default 1.0
extra More lighting samples, makes light smoother
glview Dumps the number of points in a plane
help Display help text
log Sets verbose and logs output to bspfile.rlg
maxlight # Max amount of light a face can receive, default is 0.75, max is 1.0
nobmodlight Disables brush model entities emitting light
nocurve Disables phone-shading
nopvs Compile doesn’t check PVS
nosplotchfix Disables fix that prevents “splotchy” lighting
nostopbleed Disables fix that prevents light bleeds through walls
scale # Dims light over entire map, default is 1.0
threads # Used for computers with multiple cpus
v Verbose mode, lists everything that is going on


You can find the full arghrad manual here with way more information about sun lighting than you could ever need. Below is a table of some of the more common settings.

Argument Description
ambient # Set an ambient light level, use a value like 0.1 to remove dark corners
argh Display argh! emblem
bounce # Amount of times light will bounce, default is 8
chop # Fast light testing that reduces lighting detail, default is 64
chopcurve # Chop value for Phong-shaded surfaces
choplight # Chop value for light-emitting surfaces
chopsky # Chop value for light-emitting sky surfaces
chopwarp # Chop value for light-emitting warping surfaces
direct # Scale direct light intensity, default is 0.4
dump Dump lighting information to “bounce0.txt”
entity # Scales direct light intensity on entities, default 1.0
extra More lighting samples, makes light smoother
gamma # Gamma compensation
glview Dumps the number of points in a plane
help Display help text
lightwarp calculate lighting on warp surfaces
maxlighta # Maximum lighting brightness
minlighta # Minimum lighting brightness
nobmodlight Brush model lighting disabled
nobouncefix Brush model bounced light fix disabled
nobrightsurf Surface light face brightening disabled
nocolor Lighting converted to greyscale, RGB weighted
nocoloru Lighting converted to greyscale, unweighted
nocurve Phong shading disabled
noinvisfix Light bounces off nodraw faces
nonudgefix Uses old method for nudging edge samples
nopvs Stop pvs checking
noradorigin Bmodels with origin brushes not lit by radiosity
noshadowface Shadowfaces disabled
noshadowfilter Projected shadows not filtered
nosplotchfix Antisplotch fix disabled for plain face lights
nostopbleed Bleeding light correction disabled
noweightcurve Phong calculations ignore face size
oldtexscale Old texture brightening method
onlybounce Only bounced light saved
radmin # Radiosity minimum cutoff
saturation # Colored light saturation
scale # Dims light over entire map, default is 1.0
stylemin # Min brightness for special lightstyles
texscale # Texture brightness scale
threads # Used for computers with multiple cpus
update Update existing lightmaps
verbose Verbose mode, lists everything that is going on

Test Compiling

The arguments to use while testing a map to get a basic lit compile.

Compiler Arguments
QBSP -notjunc -noopt
QVIS -fast
QRAD/ARGHRAD -bounce 0 -chop 1024 -nopvs

Final Compiling

The arguments needed for a final compile. If you receive a max_patches error, increase the value of -chop.

Compiler Arguments
QRAD/ARGHRAD -bounce 40 -extra -chop 16

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