
Spotlight Options
Aiming Spotlights
    _spotangle, _mangle

Spotlight Options

Spotlights are normal light entities, restricted to casting light in a basic cone shape. ArghRad adds new options for controlling spotlight appearance & behavior.

_focus  scale

location: light entity    version: 1.00  
scale: > 0 default: 0

Scales how quickly the light fades from the center of the spot, outward. It can create soft-edged spotlights that smoothly fade out from the center to the edges. The higher the value, the smaller the spot will be (trial-and-error may be required to achieve the desired results)

Note: This option works separately from the _cone setting. When using _focus, it's probably best to set _cone to its maximum value 180.

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Aiming Spotlights

Qrad3 requires two entities to make a spotlight. The light entity, and an info_null entity to point the light at. ArghRad adds several alternate methods of aiming spotlights, which do not require an info_null. Choose any one of the methods that you prefer. All spotlights point straight in the positive x direction by default.

_spotangle  yaw pitch
_mangle  yaw pitch

location: light entity    version: 1.00  
yaw: 0-360     pitch: -90-90 default: 0 0

Aims the spotlight by yaw and pitch angles. Yaw goes from 0-360 degrees around the z-axis, like the angle key. Pitch goes from -90 straight down, through 0 horizontal, to 90 straight up.

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_spotpoint  x y z

location: light entity    version: 1.00  
x y z: any coordinate default: none

Aims the spotlight at the specified global x,y,z coordinate. It is similar to aiming at an info_null, without needing the info_null entity.

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_spotvector  x y z

location: light entity    version: 1.00  
x y z: any direction default: 1 0 0

Aims the spotlight by direction vector. This is the direction defined by a ray pointing from the origin (0,0,0) to the specified x,y,z value.

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